In our paper published by The Lancet Psychiatry we describe  inequalities by income along the mental health treatment pathway in the Netherlands.

Our results are pivotal in quantifying disparities favourable to patients with a higher income that persist through the different stages of mental health treatment. While calling for a better understanding of the role of social environment and quality of care as complementary mechanisms, these findings highlight the limitations of solely focusing on access to care to reduce the mental health gap 

Read more on the original publication for free (log in required).

Paper awarded the Eddy Van Doorslaer Research Excellence Award 2023

In our paper published Health Economics we study the effect of becoming eligible to supported housing, a program that provides housing, personal and domestic care, guidance, and daily activities to persons with mental disorders.

Read more on the original open access publication, or find below a short summary!


In our paper published by Social Science & Medicine we use a difference-in-discontinuity design to study increased cost-sharing in youth.

We find that high deductibles led Dutch young adults to reduce the use of mental health services. The deductible increase reduced mental health care use mostly among low-income females.

These findings lead us to conclude that financial barriers increase the mental health care gap at the transition to adulthood. Furthermore, blunt forms of cost-sharing widen inequalities in access to mental health care among youth. 

Our paper is open access: read it here!

Paper awarded the Best Junior Publication of 2022 for the Public Health Department of ErasmusMC


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Summary (Dutch)

Een onlangs gepubliceerde studie van onderzoekers van het Erasmus Medisch Centrum Rotterdam en de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam laat zien hoe een verhoging van het verplicht eigen risico in Nederland leidde tot een afname in zorggebruik van geestelijke gezondheidszorg (GGZ) door jongvolwassenen. Het gaat hierbij om zorggebruik zoals de psycholoog of een psychiatrische behandeling.

Social media and other dissemination channels

SCBH blogpost (ENG and Dutch)

GGZ nieuws coverage (Dutch)

Zorg + Welzijn interview (Dutch)